A friend of mine recently got married in a great vintage wedding dress, and she bought it from an organization that donates the proceeds to breast cancer research. Cool, right? So I did a little online research of this organization, and gave them my email address.
In return, they sent me an offer for a CERTIFICATE. Oooh, I thought, a gift certificate towards a wedding dress? Fantastic! So I clicked on the link they provided, typed in the login and password (wishes/granted, if you please), and was presented with this:
Wow, right? I mean. Wow. Of couse, I printed out two of them right away--one for me, and one for my coworker who is also getting married next year. We hung them up on our Wall of Certificates*, which we gaze upon every day with pride.
*We also have a Certificate of Completion, for an online professional development class my coworker took, and a Certificate of Achievement, for an online Disaster Preparedness course I was required to take. However, neither of those are pink, so this one was a real coup.
Hilarious. Is there an alternate version for women who ask men for their hands in marriage? Because that doesn't seem to be an option hear. I'd get all up on my feminist soapbox, but I think Making Memories/Brides for Breast Cancer is a great charity. I went with a friend to buy her wedding dress at their Chicago area sale about a year ago and everything about it was impressive. If I can ever bring myself to pass on my wedding dress, that's where it will go. And also, I surfed over here from Lass's place and am enjoying your blog greatly. I'm a diaryland refugee too, although I don't think I read your previous blog. Clearly an oversight on my part.
Good point, Harriet--I am apparently such a product of the dominant culture that I didn't even NOTICE that you can't fill in the certificate properly if the lady does the asking. Which actually, I really did, although we don't quite count that one.
But I don't think the audience for this sort of certificate is the sort of person who is likely to go around asking mens to marry them. It is VERY pink.
Now all you need to do is go to the Universal Life Church website and get yourself ordained - (and print out your certificate, of course) - and hell, you'll practically be married! The internet can do ANYTHING!!!!
Hooray for shiny new blog! And congratulations on getting engaged! And on your beautiful new certificate. I also wouldn't quite know how to fill in the blanks. We don't count the one where Erik asked me and I never answered, and then I asked him two years later. I guess we wouldn't really qualify for the certificate.
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