Monday, April 27, 2009

Dear Apartment 3

Mr. A. has been playing in a band with a couple of friends of ours. They practice in our friend's apartment, which, even though it's not my apartment, has always worried me a little bit. Like, don't the neighbors hate them? It's not like they're playing death metal at top volume, but still. I've had vicarious neighbor anxiety.

So anyway, Saturday they had practice, and when they came out they found the following taped to their door:


Anonymous said...

Right on!!!

bellcurves said...

that's awesome!

kickpleat said...

wow, that is so nice!! that note made me feel so awesome. hooray for awesome neighbours!

Jen Robinson said...

I am so asshole-sensitive that I had to read that note through 3 times and I still suspect sarcasm, but I have to let that go. Not everyone is an a-hole.