Friday, January 22, 2010


So, uh, I haven't been such a great blogger lately. This is partly because I wanted to try to come up with a post that wasn't pregnancy-, baby-, or weather-related (the sun has been out! sort of! thank you, El Nino and climate change!)--and failed miserably. There just isn't room in my brain for very many thoughts, and those topics are taking up most of the available space. Also, once I go for a while without a post I feel like my next post should somehow be extra interesting, which is a pretty high bar to set for myself since my regular posts are not all interesting. Hence, the long periods of silence.

We went to our first birthing class this week, and it wasn't too bad. There was a lot of smiley-smiley "no question is a stupid question" sort of stuff, but people really weren't asking stupid questions, so it was fine. The class seems to be free of the kind of people who ruined graduate school for me by never, ever shutting their pieholes under any circumstances and turning each class into their own personal therapy session. So that's nice.

There were ten couples, all due at more or less the same time--late March through late April. One of the couples still hadn't looked into finding a place to deliver their baby, and I was disconcerted to find myself for the first time feeling smugly superior to other parents. Clearly it is only a matter of time before I'm denouncing bedtime techniques and pacifier practices left and right. I'm going to be so much fun to be with!


Make!Do! said...

Oh hey, the people who went to your Grad School must not have graduated and instead, came to mine to ruin my edumacation.
Thank god for the 10% who can keep their piehole shut in class and run it like crazy over a pint of beer.

librarianista said...

I think there's something about library school that attracts those people. They are a menace, but you're right--the other people make up for it.

Librarian Girl said...

My theory is that library school magnifies the annoyingness of people. I actually know a few people that I went to library school with now and I remember them as UNBEARABLE there, but now they don't bug me nearly as much.