Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Terms of nerdiness

Guess what? It looks like Mr. A and I are going to get to go to the American Library Association conference this summer in Chicago! Awesome, no? I haven't gotten to go to very many librarian conferences--only a couple of dinkier local ones--but I LOVE them. In terms of nerdiness they are only a short step below Star Trek conventions. And they're all about books and stuff! Delightful.

Of course, the truly magical part is that Mr. A. and I both got permission from our workplaces* to get paid workdays to geek out and explore Chicago. I've only been there a couple of times but I think Chicago is pretty awesome. The lake! The river! Da Bears!

Anyway, if one of my two readers happens to be a Chicago expert with lots of tips to offer, please do leave some in the comments. Thanks dudes.**

*He's an art librarian at a university around here, in case you didn't know.
**Are you impressed that I made it through this entire post without saying Shy-town or Oprah? Me too.


Librarian Girl said...

OMG. First of all, I AM GOING TOO. Second of all, I used to live in Chicago and know all about it. Third of all, I have A MILLION CHICAGO FRIENDS. Who all know the cool things to do and will chauffeur me around and such. And also? Nordic Boy is coming along most likely since his family is in Chicagoland as well.

So yeah. We should talk.

Anonymous said...

Native Chicagoan here - I'll send you a long list via Facebook mail -

librarianista said...

Woo hoo! Thanks ladies. LG, we are going to have an awesome time.

Linda Johns said...

I love Chicago, too. If you're not staying at one of the conference hotels, check with Pat K at the library (she can count it as a reference question!). She rents a short-term apartment, great location, when she goes to Chicago.

librarianista said...

It IS a great town, and I have you to thank for my spot, Ms. Johns. Thank you thank you thank you!

Linda Johns said...

Speaking of nerdiness, I was SUPER excited to go to the ProQuest Scholarship Bash when I went to ALA in Chicago. The only potentially fun word in that title -- "ProQuest Scholarship Bash" -- is bash, but it was ProQuest that got my little heart all aflutter.

Anonymous said...

Hola. I run ZooBorns.com and Zooillogix.com. I live in Chicago and would be happy to give you tips for restaurants, bars, activities, etc. Email me at ableiman [at] gmail with generally the kind of stuff you are looking to doand I'll send you my recs. It's a great city.