I used to think it was challenging to get both the baby and myself out the door with no major stains on our clothes or crackers in our hair. But that was kid stuff. Actually challenging? Doing the same, while also making sure the house is left in pristine condition for prospective buyers.
Soren has actually been a little angel the past couple of mornings, dutifully crawling around, pulling himself up, and chewing on the furniture. Almost as fun as having a puppy! But there are still mornings when he has to be held the entire hour before we leave. I've gotten good at applying mascara while balancing a baby on one hip. When I can put on eyeliner the same way I'll know I've truly arrived.
You moving up or just out?
Just out.
That is one cute baby.
That's the point where I just gave up on eyeliner. Followed quickly but giving up completely.
It's a good thing you guys live so far away, I still kind of want to eat your baby every time I see him.
but geez, you sure do have a cute kid!
Ohhh, Soren! Cutie!
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